Tag Archives: speech

Fear of Commitment – Redeaux

This is a rework of a previous speech. I delivered this talk for today’s Early Risers Toastmasters club speech contest. I changed the middle by replacing the work context with a general life context. My evaluator pointed out one area of needed improvement: I should relate the closing to my own life. I agree with […]

Fear of Commitment, Power of Commitment

A pig and a chicken are walking down the road when they come upon a church where a revival is going on. {gesture towards audience} Any of you been to a revival? It’s been a while for me. Let me tell you, a revival is MOVING. Pig and chicken were moved, overcome by the spirit. […]

On the Road Again…

Another Toastmasters talk, this one my third. I thought the material was better, or at least more humorous, than the previous two. But my delivery sucked. In retrospect, I should have rehearsed another day. I got laughs but there were three mechanical problems with my delivery Flow stalled in a few places I ran over […]

I’m glad it’s over

That’s the title of the talk I gave last Tuesday. I joined the Palo Alto Early Risers Toastmasters about a month ago. This was my second speech. (I hand wrote the first one and am too lazy to type it up.) ###

Episode II – Redeaux III

I watched episode II again this past weekend (to Tracy’s dismay) and will wrap up the Anakin quandary.

Episode II – Redeaux II

5. Anakin Skywalker What do we do with Anakin? Well, Luke Skywalker was a doofus so why shouldn’t, too, be the old man. Doofus. That sums it up.